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Resolve Designs

RxCrush® Sealed Tear-off Pill Pouch, 3"x7", 50ml, PP11

RxCrush® Sealed Tear-off Pill Pouch, 3"x7", 50ml, PP11


Regular price $6.00 USD
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  1. Sealed pouch holds 1 or many pills while crushing. 

  2. Medication dust is contained while crushing.

  3. Pouch fits in RxCrush Pill Crusher II.

  4. Volume is 50ml of liquid.

  5. Large flaps help open seals to put pills into pouch.

  6. Tear off top easily empties contents.

  7. Medications can be dissolved in liquid outside the pouch.

  8. Deliver a more complete dose by flushing with water after crushing and emptying.

  9. Thickness: 4 mil durable plastic.  

  10. Dimensions: 3" x 7", (5.1 x 12.5 cm) each. Pack of 50 size -  4" x 6" x 0.5".

  11. Optimal pill capacity about 8-10.


  • Material: PET12 / PE110
  • Weight: 1.58 g
  • Piece Length: 12.5 cm
  • Piece Width: 5.1 cm
  • Piece Height: 0.16 cm
  • Volume: 50 mL

  • Nonsterile


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